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Family 移民

Our family-based immigration work includes obtaining fiancé visas, 配偶签证, 和其他亲属移民签证通过领事程序,包括向美国移民局申请.S.C.I.S. for 孩子们, parents, siblings, and spouses of U.S. 公民 and spouses and 孩子们 of Permanent Residents (Greencard holders). 从申请以家庭为基础的签证和绿卡,到根据这种符合条件的家庭关系获得工作许可证和旅行许可证, 澳门亚洲博彩平台排名 & 亚洲博彩平台排名 provides U.S. 公民和永久居民及其家庭成员逐步指导他们采取令人兴奋的步骤移民到美国.S. to unite with their family members.

Family-Based Visas and Green Cards

一般, 亲属担保移民签证可分为两类:不受签证配额上限限制的直系亲属签证和受外国签证配额上限限制的其他亲属担保优先签证. 目前, 来自中国大陆的家庭成员的签证需求超过了每个国家的限制, 印度, 墨西哥, 和菲律宾.
“直系亲属”可以立即获得移民签证和绿卡, 不受签证分配上限的限制,也不需要等待签证签发. These “immediate relatives” include a U.S. 美国公民的配偶,21岁以下的未婚子女,以及父母.S. citizen is at least 21 years of age.

The cap-subject family-based category is divided into four (4) preferences. 第一个家庭赞助优先类别是美国的未婚子女(21岁或以上).S. 公民. The second preference category is spouses, 孩子们, 以及绿卡持有者的未婚子女(21岁或以上). The third preference category is married sons and daughters of U.S. 公民. The fourth preference category is brothers and sisters of adult U.S. 公民.

澳门亚洲博彩平台排名 & 科沃德可以帮助您和您的家庭成员通过家庭移民到美国.S., from wherever your family members are located. We provide assistance with adjustment of status to Greencard within the U.S., as well as with obtaining immigrant visas through consular process, where a visa applicant will attend an interview at a U.S. consulate office in the applicant’s home country based on an U.S.C.I.S-approved family petition.

Fiancé and Marriage Visas

We provide assistance to U.S. 寻求从海外担保其未婚妻和配偶的公民,以及寻求担保其配偶以家庭为基础移民到美国的绿卡持有人.S. 的关系, 我们就未婚妻签证和婚姻签证的异同提供法律建议,为我们的客户提供必要的法律背景,帮助他们在生活中度过这段激动人心的旅程,减少压力和担忧.

Work Permit and Travel Permit

Upon obtaining the Greencard in the U.S. (whether through adjustment of status inside the U.S. or by entering the U.S. (持移民签证),家庭成员享有在美国合法工作的特权.S., and to return to the U.S. from foreign travels. For adjustment of status applicants already inside the U.S., it is typical for work permit and travel permit applications to be approved, pending the actual issuance of a Greencard. Our attorneys can help you assess your situation, as well as the current U.S.C.I.S. processing times to help you and your family members navigate through U.S. 移民法.

What are the legal considerations for family-based visas and green cards, and how can I obtain them for my family members?

First, we will look into your immigration status to verify your U.S. citizen or Greencard status. 第二个, 我们将调查您与您寻求担保的家庭成员的家庭关系,以获得家庭移民签证. 最后, 我们将根据您的家庭成员来自哪个国家和家庭成员关系类型(直系亲属或第一/第二/第三/第四个家庭成员优先类别)来检查哪个亲属移民类别是合适的,并检查处理时间和签证等待时间。.

申请未婚妻签证和婚姻签证有哪些法律和经济方面的考虑, and how can I qualify for them?

虽然未婚夫/配偶签证都要求申请人提供证明现有关系的书面证据,并表明未婚夫/配偶受益人有足够的经济支持手段,并且他们不太可能依赖美国移民局.S. 对于政府的财政支持,这些签证也有着惊人的差异. 例如, 未婚妻签证要求夫妻双方在申请前两年内有过身体接触, unless one can meet very narrow exceptions. 此外,与配偶签证相比,配偶签证在进入美国时授予绿卡.S., 未婚妻签证是一次性的非移民签证,要求未婚妻在美国境内申请身份调整为绿卡.S. upon getting married to the U.S. citizen petitioner within 90 days of entering the U.S.


When a spouse enters the U.S. 通过移民配偶签证,配偶被认为是美国的永久居民.S. 永久居民不需要单独的工作/旅行许可卡就可以在美国合法工作.S. or travel overseas. 因此, 配偶签证持有人可以在进入美国后立即获得社会安全号码,以便就业和出国旅行.S. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, 未婚妻签证首先需要获得工作许可和旅行许可,然后才能通过单独的美国签证找到工作或出国旅行.S.C.I.S. application process within the U.S.

Immigrating to the U.S. 与亲人团聚是一种特权,也是一生中最激动人心的事情之一. 澳门亚洲博彩平台排名 & 科沃德移民律师将站在您和您的家人身边,帮助您度过这段激动人心的旅程. In addition to helping family members to adjust their status within the U.S. from different visa status to Greencard status, 我们代表来自世界各地的客户通过领事程序获得亲属移民签证.